ML-based informed intervention for Crowdsourcing based Optimization of Medical Resources Attending Demand Equalization (COMRADE) for COVID-19 treatment

IT-Networking Systems

ML-based informed intervention for Crowdsourcing based Optimization of Medical Resources Attending Demand Equalization (COMRADE) for COVID-19 treatment

  • From September 2020

  • Project Status: On-Going

Battles are won through planning – sourcing, storing, managing, and optimally utilizing resources – even for the battle against COVID-19. Comrades are ready; the plan is on!

Human history is witness to nature's many outbursts and our unbreakable spirit, be it a tsunami or pandemic. However, with COVID-19, it is this eerie feeling of uncertainty and unpreparedness that is destroying us. The ferocious spreading of coronaviruses, unavailability of a definite cure, and dwindling resources are creating a new level of havoc. Death by the unavailability of a hospital bed or a ventilator (primary care) is on the rise.

"A need-based catalog and allotment of medical resources can avoid death by misfortune,” Dr. Irfan Siddavatam who is leading a team of comrades skilled in data science to synchronizing the steps for COVID-19 health disaster management. The war plan of the 'COMRADE' model is currently hospital-specific, and on validation, the algorithm could be replicated and adapted in other COVID centers.

Based on the present and in-coming COVID cases, their health status, and available medical resources in K J Somaiya Hospital, the 'COMRADE' algorithm predicts possible active case and action plan to crowdsource and share the medical resources. Such an initiative is crucial for government agencies, partner hospitals, NGOs, and health care works to implement 'disaster preparedness' and 'response efficiency' during Biological disaster management.


The pandemic calls for action through knowledge and resource sharing. For Somaiya Vidyavihar, this is more than a project -  a moral duty to our nation.

Coordinator, Research Promotion-SIRAC

Somaiya Vidyavihar University

19th June 2020

Principal Investigator


  • Mrs. Ashwini A Dalvi

    Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology

    K J Somaiya College of Engineering

    " Modelling & Analysis of AI. Statistical Modeling, Analysis of AI and ML algorithim, Software project coordination. "

  • Student Team 1: A I Development

    Viraj Thakkar (Team Leader), Aditya Panchal & Aditya Vedpathak

    Python dvelopment, Development ML Code. Verification and testing of Algorithim.

  • Student Team 2: Web Development

    Abhishek Patel (Team Leader), Smit Moradiya & Apoorva Jain

    Data collection, cleaning and storing, designing web framework.

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